How Addiction to Kratom Almost Ruined my Life
How Addiction to Kratom Almost Ruined my Life.
by Nichole Moninger
In my late twenties, I started having regular pain in my knees and throughout my lower body. Within just a few years, I was diagnosed with hEDS (Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome), an inherited connective tissue disorder caused by a collagen deficiency. The joints in my lower body, particularly in my knees and ankles, deteriorated over the next decade. Then in my early 40’s, I was also diagnosed with Lupus, an autoimmune disease that can cause pain and inflammation in any area of the body. Like hEDS, Lupus most commonly impacts the joints and skin. To say that I was experiencing daily chronic pain is an understatement, and I was looking for something to help manage this symptom. On a Facebook group for people with hEDS, I read about a woman who found pain management by taking Kratom.
Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa Korthals) is a tropical tree indigenous to Southeast Asia. This herbal substance is most commonly consumed as a tea made from leaves or powder, but kratom can also be found in capsules, gummies, and even beverage shots. When consuming low doses (i.e. 1-5 grams), kratom typically produces stimulant effects; high doses (5-15 g.) usually cause sedative effects. However, kratom comes in a wide variety of strains (e.g. red, white, or green vein; Bali; Indo; Maeng Da; Malay; Sumatra; Thai; etc.), and how each strain impacts an individual varies widely.
In 2016, I started taking kratom as a powder and mixing it in a water bottle. The taste was disgusting, but it offered pain relief that I was desperately seeking. Within just a few years, I discovered that I could order kratom capsules online and have them delivered to my home in no time. I kept them in an old herbal vitamin bottle in my purse so that no one would know what they really were. Before long I became totally and completely addicted to kratom. I had to find a larger bottle to carry the capsules around with me in because I was taking close to 100 grams of kratom every day. I was spending over $500 a month on kratom capsules. When I tried to cut back on my use, I experienced vicious withdrawal symptoms.
The National Institute of Health tells us that kratom contains two opioid receptor agonists, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which means that it acts like an opioid in the brain. Moderate to heavy kratom users (i.e. at least 3 doses per day) typically experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms like those of opioid cessation within 48 hours of when they try to stop using kratom. Severe adverse effects, up to and including death, have been reported with kratom doses in excess of 15 grams when taken in conjunction with opioids, benzodiazepines, modafinil, and other medications. I was taking incredibly high amounts of kratom with opioids and benzodiazepines. I was hospitalized multiple times for overdosing and am truly lucky to be alive. I nodded out behind the wheel and rear-ended cars more than a few times; I could have easily killed someone.
In February of this year, I slept for about 14 hours and woke up not knowing whether it was morning or night. It was then that I realized the seriousness of my addiction and knew that I needed help. I called Transformations by the Gulf, and they arranged for a medical Uber to pick me up right away. I checked into a medical detox center, after which I spent 45 days at Transformations by the Gulf in Residential Treatment and Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and another 75 days in their Intensive Outpatient Program. I’m now almost 10 months clean and sober, and I honestly feel that I owe my life to Transformations by the Gulf. Their program and the staff changed my life in a way that I never could’ve done on my own. If you’re struggling with addiction to kratom, or addiction to any drug or alcohol, know that there is hope. If I can do it, so can you. Give Transformations by the Gulf a call today. I promise; you won’t regret it.
How to Get Started at Transformations by the Gulf
Best Rehab in St. Petersburg
Best Rehab in St. Petersburg
At Transformations by the Gulf Recovery Center, our programs focus on treating the whole person, not just the addiction. Our clients become part of our extended Transformations family or "Transformers". Our professional staff ensures that your long-term success in recovery is our priority, so reach out to us today to learn more about our addiction treatment center in St Petersburg, Florida, by calling 727-498-6498
Substance Abuse Treatment in St. Peterburg
Addiction treatment is not “one size fits all.” Every individual has a different background and a different need. Some people respond to certain approaches better than others. Each person’s mental and physical health is unique, especially in regard to their addiction to drugs or alcohol. There are many reasons why specialized addiction treatment programs are more effective.
Drug Addiction Treatment Options in St. Petersburg
Addiction treatment comes in many forms, depending on the need of the individual. Customized treatment options can include:
Evaluation and treatment for co-occurring mental health issues, behavioral counseling, family therapy, individual therapy, medication assisted treatment, relapse prevention planning, specialized addiction treatment programs are crucial to the success of the individual. In the city of St Petersburg, treatment might include both medical and mental health services, depending on the situation and the need. Also critical to the success of the individual is follow-up care that can include community or family-based recovery support systems.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program in St. Petersburg
The rest of the day could include any number of holistic therapies, such as:
- Group therapy
- Boat Therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Dual diagnosis groups
- Expressive arts therapy
- Tai Chi
- Yoga
- Acupuncture
- Nutritional therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Moral Resonation Therapy
- Activities on the beach
- Relapse Prevention Planning
Outpatient Treatment
While an outpatient program isn’t for everyone, so we offer an intensive outpatient program (IOP) for clients local to our Florida drug and alcohol rehab center. We recommend our St Petersburg drug rehab if you have not previously gone through an addiction treatment program.
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an alcohol addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
Explore the Best Addiction Treatment Programs at Transformations by the Gulf
Finding Rehab in Tampa
At Transformations by the Gulf Recovery Center, our programs focus on treating the whole person, not just the addiction. Our clients become part of our extended Transformations family or "Transformers". Our professional staff ensures that your long-term success in recovery is our priority, so reach out to us today to learn more about our addiction treatment center in Tampa, Florida, by calling 727-498-6498
Finding a Substance Abuse Treatment in Tampa
Addiction treatment is not universal. Each person has a unique background and specific needs. Certain methods may work better for some individuals than others due to their distinct mental and physical health, particularly concerning drug or alcohol addiction. Specialized addiction treatment programs are often more successful for various reasons.
Finding a Drug Addiction Treatment Options in Tampa
Addiction treatment varies based on individual needs and can encompass a range of options such as evaluation and treatment for co-occurring mental health issues, behavioral counseling, family therapy, individual therapy, medication-assisted treatment, relapse prevention planning, and specialized addiction treatment programs. In Tampa, treatment may involve a combination of medical and mental health services as necessary. Post-treatment care, including community or family-based recovery support systems, is also essential for individual success.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program in Tampa
The rest of the day could include any number of holistic therapies, such as:
- Group therapy.
- Boat Therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Dual diagnosis groups
- Expressive arts therapy
- Tai Chi
- Yoga
- Acupuncture
- Nutritional therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Moral Resonation Therapy
- Activities on the beach
- Relapse Prevention Planning
Outpatient Treatment
While an outpatient program isn’t for everyone, so we offer an intensive outpatient program (IOP) for clients local to our Florida drug and alcohol rehab center. We recommend our Tampa drug rehab if you have not previously gone through an addiction treatment program. Find out the Benefits of Yoga in Addiction Treatment.
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an alcohol addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
Explore the Best Addiction Treatment Programs at Transformations by the Gulf
Addiction Treatment Programs Tampa
At Transformations by the Gulf Recovery Center, our programs focus on treating the whole person, not just the addiction. Our clients become part of our extended Transformations family or "Transformers". Our professional staff ensures that your long-term success in recovery is our priority, so reach out to us today to learn more about our addiction treatment center in Tampa, Florida, by calling 727-498-6498
A Comprehensive Approach to Holistic Recovery
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an alcohol addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs. We combine traditional, evidence-based treatment with a holistic approach focused on mind, body, and spirit.
Just a few steps away from the beautiful of the Gulf of Mexico, some of our mornings start on the beach with either a morning meditation or a beautiful, serene walk.
The rest of the day could include any number of holistic therapies, such as:
- Group therapy
- Boat Therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Dual diagnosis groups
- Expressive arts therapy
- Tai Chi
- Yoga
- Acupuncture
- Nutritional therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Moral Resonation Therapy
- Activities on the beach
- Relapse Prevention Planning
Thirty, Sixty, and Ninety-Day Rehab Programs
Not everyone will complete their treatment plan in just thirty days. In fact, the long-term treatment outcomes and success rates tend to be higher when clients complete ninety days at a rehab program. Some addictions and dual diagnosis disorders require additional time to recover from. That’s why we offer unique thirty, sixty, and ninety-day holistic addiction treatment programs that are personalized to your specific needs. We will work with you to determine the best program length for your needs.
Outpatient Treatment
While an outpatient program isn’t for everyone, so we offer an intensive outpatient program (IOP) for clients local to our Florida drug and alcohol rehab center. We recommend our Tampa drug rehab if you have not previously gone through an addiction treatment program.
Trauma-Informed Addiction Treatment
Trauma-informed addiction treatment is an evidence-based approach that focuses on the impact of trauma and how it relates to substance use disorders. We understand that trauma can be a major factor in the development of substance abuse and mental health issues. The approach emphasizes the client’s resilience and strength, instead of their weaknesses, in treating individuals with substance abuse and mental health problems. It signifies a significant change in the perspective of treatment providers. Trauma-informed treatment helps clients develop healthy coping skills to manage the symptoms of trauma and its effect on their lives.
Individualized Addiction Treatment
When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.

The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an alcohol addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
Relapse Prevention and Aftercare Services
Aftercare programs bridge the gap between drug rehab and the “real world.” We make sure that before our client leaves, they are setup to succeed. Our goal is to set our clients up for long-term success in recovery, so at Transformations by the Gulf our aftercare planning services ensure support throughout the journey.
How to Get Started at Transformations by the Gulf
Explore the Addiction Treatment Programs at Transformations by the Gulf
Rehabs in Florida
Rehabs in Florida
At Transformations by the Gulf Recovery Center, our programs focus on treating the whole person, not just the addiction. Our clients become part of our extended Transformations family or "Transformers". Our professional staff ensures that your long-term success in recovery is our priority, so reach out to us today to learn more about our addiction treatment center in Tampa, Florida, by calling 727-498-6498
A Comprehensive Approach to Holistic Recovery in Florida
The success of an individual's recovery relies on the level of customized treatment they receive. It is crucial to locate an effective alcohol addiction treatment program. Our personalized treatment approach involves creating a program that specifically targets the client's distinct physical, mental, and emotional requirements. We integrate conventional, evidence-based therapy with a holistic strategy that emphasizes the mind, body, and spirit. Located just a short distance from the scenic Gulf of Mexico, some of our days begin with either a morning meditation or a peaceful stroll along the beach.
The rest of the day could include any number of holistic therapies, such as:
- Group therapy
- Boat Therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Dual diagnosis groups
- Expressive arts therapy
- Tai Chi
- Yoga
- Acupuncture
- Nutritional therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Moral Resonation Therapy
- Activities on the beach
- Relapse Prevention Planning
Thirty, Sixty, and Ninety-Day Rehab Programs in Florida
Not everyone will complete their treatment plan in just thirty days. In fact, the long-term treatment outcomes and success rates tend to be higher when clients complete ninety days at a rehab program. Some addictions and dual diagnosis disorders require additional time to recover from. That’s why we offer unique thirty, sixty, and ninety-day holistic addiction treatment programs that are personalized to your specific needs. We will work with you to determine the best program length for your needs.
Outpatient Treatment in Florida
While an outpatient program isn’t for everyone, so we offer an intensive outpatient program (IOP) for clients local to our Florida drug and alcohol rehab center. We recommend our Tampa drug rehab if you have not previously gone through an addiction treatment program.
Trauma-Informed Addiction Treatment in Florida
Trauma-informed addiction treatment is a proven method that centers on recognizing the influence of trauma on substance use disorders. Acknowledging trauma's role in shaping substance abuse and mental health issues is crucial. This approach highlights the resilience and inner strength of clients, rather than focusing solely on weaknesses. It marks a notable shift in how treatment providers approach care. By integrating trauma-informed practices, clients can cultivate effective coping strategies to address trauma symptoms and its impact on their well-being.
Individualized Addiction Treatment
When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.

The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an alcohol addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
Relapse Prevention and Aftercare Services
Aftercare programs bridge the gap between drug rehab and the “real world.” We make sure that before our client leaves, they are setup to succeed. Our goal is to set our clients up for long-term success in recovery, so at Transformations by the Gulf our aftercare planning services ensure support throughout the journey.
How to Get Started at Transformations by the Gulf
Explore the Addiction Treatment Programs at Transformations by the Gulf
Addiction Treatment Programs St Petersburg
Addiction Treatment Programs St Petersburg
At Transformations by the Gulf Recovery Center, our programs focus on treating the whole person, not just the addiction. Our clients become part of our extended Transformations family or "Transformers". Our professional staff ensures that your long-term success in recovery is our priority, so reach out to us today to learn more about our addiction treatment center in St Petersburg, Florida, by calling 727-498-6498
A Comprehensive Approach to Holistic Recovery in St Petersburg
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an alcohol addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs. We combine traditional, evidence-based treatment with a holistic approach focused on mind, body, and spirit.
Just a few steps away from the beautiful of the Gulf of Mexico, some of our mornings start on the beach with either a morning meditation or a beautiful, serene walk.
The rest of the day could include any number of holistic therapies, such as:
- Boat Therapy
- Group therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Dual diagnosis groups
- Expressive arts therapy
- Tai Chi
- Acupuncture
- Cupping
- Yoga
- Nutritional therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Moral Resonation Therapy
- Activities on the beach
- Relapse Prevention Planning
Thirty, Sixty, and Ninety-Day Rehab Programs St Petersburg
Not everyone will complete their treatment plan in just thirty days. In fact, the long-term treatment outcomes and success rates tend to be higher when clients complete ninety days at a rehab program. Some addictions and dual diagnosis disorders require additional time to recover from. That’s why we offer unique thirty, sixty, and ninety-day holistic addiction treatment programs that are personalized to your specific needs. We will work with you to determine the best program length for your needs.
Trauma-Informed Addiction Treatment St Petersburg
Trauma-informed addiction treatment is an evidence-based approach that focuses on the impact of trauma and how it relates to substance use disorders. We understand that trauma can be a major factor in the development of substance abuse and mental health issues. The approach emphasizes the client’s resilience and strength, instead of their weaknesses, in treating individuals with substance abuse and mental health problems. It signifies a significant change in the perspective of treatment providers. Trauma-informed treatment helps clients develop healthy coping skills to manage the symptoms of trauma and its effect on their lives.
Outpatient Treatment St Petersburg
While an outpatient program isn’t for everyone, so we offer an intensive outpatient program (IOP) for clients local to our Florida drug and alcohol rehab center. We recommend our St Petersburg drug rehab if you have not previously gone through an addiction treatment program.
Individualized Addiction Treatment
When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.

The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an alcohol addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
Relapse Prevention and Aftercare Services
Aftercare programs bridge the gap between drug rehab and the “real world.” We make sure that before our client leaves, they are setup to succeed. Our goal is to set our clients up for long-term success in recovery, so at Transformations by the Gulf our aftercare planning services ensure support throughout the journey.
How to Get Started at Transformations by the Gulf
Explore the Addiction Treatment Programs at Transformations by the Gulf
Addiction Treatment Programs Treasure Island
Addiction Treatment Programs Treasure Island
At Transformations by the Gulf Recovery Center, our programs focus on treating the whole person, not just the addiction. Our clients become part of our extended Transformations family or "Transformers". Our professional staff ensures that your long-term success in recovery is our priority, so reach out to us today to learn more about our addiction treatment center in Treasure Island, Florida, by calling 727-498-6498
A Comprehensive Approach to Holistic Recovery in Treasure Island
The effectiveness of an individual's recovery hinges on the quality of customized treatment they receive. It is crucial to locate an alcohol addiction treatment program that is effective. Our approach to treatment is personalized, meaning we design a program specifically to meet the client's distinct physical, mental, and emotional requirements. We integrate conventional, science-backed therapies with a holistic method that concentrates on the mind, body, and spirit. Located just a short distance from the stunning Gulf of Mexico, some of our days begin on the beach with either a morning meditation or a tranquil walk.
The rest of the day could include any number of holistic therapies, such as:
- Boat Therapy
- Group therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Dual diagnosis groups
- Expressive arts therapy
- Tai Chi
- Moral Resonation Therapy
- Activities on the beach
- Relapse Prevention Planning
- Acupuncture
- Cupping
- Yoga
- Nutritional therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Thirty, Sixty, and Ninety-Day Rehab Programs in Treasure Island
Not everyone will complete their treatment plan in just thirty days. In fact, the long-term treatment outcomes and success rates tend to be higher when clients complete ninety days at a rehab program. Some addictions and dual diagnosis disorders require additional time to recover from. That’s why we offer unique thirty, sixty, and ninety-day holistic addiction treatment programs that are personalized to your specific needs. We will work with you to determine the best program length for your needs.
Trauma-Informed Addiction Treatment in Treasure Island
Trauma-informed addiction treatment is an evidence-based approach that focuses on the impact of trauma and how it relates to substance use disorders. We understand that trauma can be a major factor in the development of substance abuse and mental health issues. The approach emphasizes the client’s resilience and strength, instead of their weaknesses, in treating individuals with substance abuse and mental health problems. It signifies a significant change in the perspective of treatment providers. Trauma-informed treatment helps clients develop healthy coping skills to manage the symptoms of trauma and its effect on their lives.
Outpatient Treatment in Treasure Island
While an outpatient program isn’t for everyone, so we offer an intensive outpatient program (IOP) for clients local to our Florida drug and alcohol rehab center. We recommend our Treasure Island drug rehab if you have not previously gone through an addiction treatment program.
Individualized Addiction Treatment in Treasure Island
When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.

The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an alcohol addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
Relapse Prevention and Aftercare Services in Treasure Island
Aftercare programs bridge the gap between drug rehab and the “real world.” We make sure that before our client leaves, they are setup to succeed. Our goal is to set our clients up for long-term success in recovery, so at Transformations by the Gulf our aftercare planning services ensure support throughout the journey.
How to Get Started at Transformations by the Gulf
Explore the Addiction Treatment Programs at Transformations by the Gulf
Drug Rehab Near Tampa
Drug Rehab Near Tampa
Having an alcohol or drug addiction takes a toll on the mind, body and soul. It can be very dangerous push through addiction on your own, it’s not the safest or most assured way of becoming sober. Instead, participating in an addiction treatment program provides a structured way to recover. There are several considerations to make before choosing a treatment center, but the most important of which are location, price, and adaptability.
A treatment center near you, at an affordable price point, that adapts to your individual needs can be hard to come by. The team at Transformations by the Gulf understands what it’s like to search for rehabilitation because we’ve gone through it ourselves. If you’re seeking alcohol rehab or drug rehab near Orlando, Florida for yourself or someone you know about, call us at (727)498-6498 today to learn how our addiction treatment program can make a difference.
How Is Alcohol or Drug Dependence Treated at Transformations by the Gulf?
There are several ways to treat addiction. Being dependent on alcohol or drugs means that an individual’s body relies on that substance to avoid symptoms of withdrawal. Alcohol or drug dependence takes time to develop, but once it has, it can be hard to turn things around. Proper treatment for alcohol or drug dependence will place its focus on several key things:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals. After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction.
Choosing The Right Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Tampa, Florida
If you've acknowledged the need for alcohol addiction treatment, it's crucial to determine the most suitable alcohol rehab center near Tampa. Florida is significantly affected by substance abuse, leading to high demand for treatment facilities. The decision of selecting the right treatment center rests on you, but there are essential steps to take before finalizing your choice. Firstly, evaluate your situation to understand the impact of addiction on your life and how treatment can improve it. Secondly, inquire about the services offered, location, and other details to ensure the treatment aligns with your requirements. These aspects are critical, as unsuitable treatment may be as ineffective as no treatment at all. Lastly, review insurance coverage and pricing to guarantee affordability of the treatment.
Find Treatment That Suits Your Needs at Transformations by the Gulf near Tampa, Florida
It doesn’t have to be a challenge to find a treatment center that you can trust. Making the decision to attend rehab is a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be so hard. If you think treatment is right for you or your loved one, there’s no sense in waiting any longer.
At Transformations by the Gulf, we aim to provide the highest quality addiction rehab near Tampa. For those in the Tampa area, we offer intimate luxury beach treatment with only 24 beds in St Pete Beach, Florida. Reserve your spot and experience the best our team has to offer by contacting us at (727)498-6498 or by filling out our online form today. Drug Rehab Near Tampa.
If you or someone you know would like to know more about Transformations by the Gulf Substance Abuse Treatment Center Give us a Call 24/7 (727)498-6498
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program that is tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
Are you struggling with addiction and want to learn more? Visit Psychology Today or check out or page on addiction treatments.
Our Facility is near the beach and offers a comfortable setting for substance abuse treatment and recovery.
What a Day is Like in Our Treatment Facility.
Why Transformations by the Gulf?