What Should I Pack For My Transformation?
When packing for rehab, it’s important to know what items your treatment center prohibits and what you’re allowed to bring. We want you to feel comfortable and everyone else to be safe. Below you will find recommended items to pack and prohibited items. Please let us know if you have questions.
When entering treatment, we often ask ourselves “What should I Bring?” Often times we forget to pack stuff. This can create additional unwanted stress and anxiety. Rest assured if you forget something we will take you to a store to get items you need to make your treatment process as comfortable as possible. It’s normal to forget something when you’re packing.
- Proof of Identification (driver’s license, photo I.D., or a passport)
- If you have insurance, please bring the insurance card or copy of the insurance card.
- 7 days’ worth of everyday comfortable clothing. (Washers and dryers are provided.)
- Bathing suit.
- Gym clothes and tennis shoes.
- NO clothing with drug/alcohol related logos or material is permitted.
- NO provocative clothing or clothes sexual in nature.
- Although the attire is casual, please be sure to be dressed respectfully.
- You may have spending money, but not exceeding $100.
- Toothbrush and toothpaste.
- Supplements will be checked by the nurse or clinical director upon admission.
- Mouthwash (alcohol free).
- Deodorant.
- Soap/body wash.
- Shampoo and conditioner.
- Brush/comb.
- Hair dryer/curling iron.
- NO bottled or aerosol hairspray.
- Portable music device.
- Cell phones and laptops may be used at our counselor's discretion. Cell phones and laptops are not allowed to be used during group therapy sessions or in recovery meetings.
- NO Contraband (Items which are not allowed).
- NO Knives/sharps- i.e. Needles, hooks, knives (pocket, exacta and utility included).
- NO Straight razors.
- NO Firearms of any kind, ammunition or any type of potential weapon.
- NO products containing alcohol in the ingredients.
- NO Pornography.
- NO Cameras.
Personal Items
- Notebook or journal.
- Photo that brings you comfort.
- Pre-packaged vapes and cigarettes are allowed.
“No matter how dark the night may get, your light will never burn out.”
Jeanette LeBlanc