Recovering Alcoholics Shouldn’t Drink Kombucha
Kombucha is popular among yoga instructors and health enthusiasts and is being praised as a miraculous elixir. However, for individuals recovering from alcohol or drug addiction, the presence of natural alcohol in kombucha can pose a concern, despite its minimal amount. It is not recommended for consumption if you are in recovery and can be viewed as a relapse.
Alcoholics Anonymous serves as a supportive environment for individuals in recovery, where achievements of all sizes are acknowledged, and accountability is upheld by peers striving towards sobriety. However, the presence of minimal alcohol content in beverages such as kombucha can present a dilemma for certain members. Kombucha may or may not contain wondrous healing powers, as many of its most devoted drinkers claim, but it contains booze.
Kombucha with less than 0.5% ABV, classified as non-alcoholic by the TTB, undergoes a primary fermentation period lasting from five to 30 days, depending on taste preferences. During this phase, the sugar content decreases, resulting in a more vinegary taste. The secondary fermentation occurs when the kombucha is bottled and left to enhance its flavor and carbonation, potentially increasing the ABV levels to up to 2.5%. To achieve ABV levels exceeding 3%, the drink must undergo a third fermentation by incorporating grains, leading to the creation of what brewers refer to as “kombucha ale” or “probiotic beer.”
In 2010, It was found that some Kombucha was testing at upwards of 3% alcohol content and had to be pulled from shelves in Whole Foods stores. This is why you are walking a tightrope with your recovery if you plan to consume kombucha when in recovery.
Get Help Today
If you are using drugs or alcohol, you may have an addiction that requires professional help. At Transformations by the Gulf, we offer programs that let you continue on with your daily life by living at home but coming in for the treatment you need. Transformations by the Gulf provides a secure and supportive environment to address negative emotions and develop coping mechanisms essential for the recovery journey. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, call us today at (727)498-6498.
Being Supportive to an Addict After Rehab, are you struggling with addiction and want to learn more? Check out our page on addiction treatments.