You’re not alone. In fact, stats show that almost 30 percent of people that take prescribed opioids for pain relief end up with some type of substance abuse issue. At least that was the case in 2017 when 1.7 million people in America were struggling with opioid addiction.

Overdoses are on the rise too so consider yourself lucky that you realize you have an opioid addiction so you can do something about it. There are solutions available and people waiting to help. Like us! And many other recovery programs that include opioid addiction rehab.

But what exactly are the next steps, you ask? And what about opioid withdrawal?

To help, we’ve put together three opioid addiction treatment action items. Keep reading to learn what to do next and then get started right way to get the relief and sobriety that’s waiting for you. Hope is there. Grab it.

1. Reach Out to an Opioid Addiction Rehab

First, pat yourself on the back for admitting you have a problem and need help. Bravo! That’s not easy, but it’s huge.

Second, pick up the phone, send an email, or find a person you can talk to in person and say you’re ready to get this monkey off your back. Now.

We’re here. You can call us and we are more than happy to help, answer questions, and get you going into a treatment program.

Your end goal is to find the type of treatment for opioid addiction that is best for you specifically. There is no one-size-fits-all solution here. When you call, the rehab will walk you through it.

2. Pick the Opioid Addiction Treatment That Suits You Personally

Once you call the treatment center, you will work with an admissions counselor to pick the right treatment program. This counselor might be a licensed therapist.

She or he will asses where you’re at and decide how much care you need. Options include residential treatment, where you stay at the center full time, and outpatient treatment, where you live elsewhere but come in daily for the program.

There are variations on these but all offer individualized help that treats the symptoms of your addiction plus you as a whole person. This means you get help with your psychological, biological, social, and family-situation needs.

You’ll get help going through physical detox withdrawal safely if needed. And they’ll make sure you learn how to cope with life without the drug.

Some opioid addiction treatment options:

  • Residential treatment (live at center)
  • Day treatment with community housing (live off campus with care)
  • Intensive outpatient program (three days a week but live at home)
  • Holistic, group, and boat therapy (alternative ways to pump up the hope and recovery, usually after you finish the rehab)

The end goal of treatment is you being a happy, productive person fully engaged with your life in a positive way.

3. Get Started on Your New Awesome Life

Once you pick your program, it’s time to sign up. The rehab will help you with insurance and make sure you find a program you can afford. There are so many options out there and you will be guided with care.

Remember that kicking the drug will not be easy, but once you get past the hard part, there is much light at the end of the tunnel. People that get sober from opioid and other addictions live happy, fun, engaged, and productive lives.

Expect to continue taking steps to stay sober after treatment and expect to feel relief and camaraderie with people going through what you’re going through.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Now that you know the tip of the iceberg about opioid addiction rehab and what action steps to take, it’s time to pick up that phone and get started.

Keep reading to find out a typical treatment day and then call that number at the top of the page. We want you to succeed and are here to give you what you need to do so. All you have to do is ask.

Seeking Treatment with Transformations by the Gulf?

If you or a loved one needs treatment and rehabilitation for substance use, Transformations by the Gulf can help.
Transformations by the Gulf offers individualistic and holistic recovery services. We designed our inpatient and outpatient programs to treat individuals based on biological, psychological, familial and social needs.

Our residential homes and treatment facilities are near the beach and offer a comfortable setting for rehabilitation. If you or a loved one needs help, contact Transformations by the Gulf to learn more about our recovery services.

If you are ready to start planning your treatment process, give us a call. (727)498-6498

You can also find out more information about Transformations by the Gulf by visiting


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