Cell Phones at Rehab
Most rehabs do not allow cellphones, computers, tablets or any electronic device other than a mp3 player. Transformations by the Gulf Treatment Center does however allow cell phones. Most rehabs will limit contact to 10-20 minutes total a week. While is approach can be affected in some cases, we find that sheltering you from the outside world is counterintuitive. When you leave treatment if you have not developed coping skills and practiced them the odds of a relapse are significantly higher. With that being said we allow cell phones during treatment but not during therapy hours.
Laptops in Rehab
Every rehab center sets its own policy on cellphones and electronic devices, so be sure to call ahead for a list of approved and prohibited items. We do also allow laptops in rehab because we do feel that during your own time of relaxation you should be able to completely unwind, and we understand there are a lot of resources on the web.
Electronics in rehab
Electronic devices are another hot topic for rehabs. Transformations allows electronic devices if you would like to bring them like laptops, tablets, games, mp3 players, and other approved devices you can, as long as they don’t affect your ability to go to therapy and scheduled recovery meetings. The primary focus on treatment is getting better and recovering.
Cell Phone Use at Rehab
Because going to rehab and receiving treatment is a critical time that will require focus and perseverance, a call home or to a loved one may be able to help someone through rehab. Despite the seemingly positive influence of being in touch with a loved one, it may also become a distraction from the treatment program. The impact, either positive or negative, will of course depend on the individual.
Cellphone Friendly Rehab
People find themselves asking themself do rehabs in Florida allow cellphones. Are there any rehabs that allow cellphones in Florida? Each facility has their own rules for electronic use and cellphone use so call ahead to confirm the rules. Explore our rehab facilities and amenities further below. Great News Transformations by the Gulf allow cellphones in rehab.
If you or someone you know would like to know more about Transformations by the Gulf Substance Abuse Treatment Center Give us a Call 24/7 (727)498-6498