Cooking in Recovery
For those in early recovery, finding new and interesting activities to take part in that does not involve alcohol or drugs can be difficult. It is important to incorporate one or more sober hobbies into your new lifestyle so you can help strengthen your recovery and improve your quality of life. Working on your cooking skills is an excellent way to add a fun and safe hobby into your daily routine while also developing an important life skill. Here are some of the biggest benefits of sober cooking.
Sober Cooking is Good for Your Physical Health
When in active addiction, people tend to neglect their health and wellbeing. This can manifest as poor eating habits, whether it’s eating too much, not eating enough, or choosing processed foods over nutritious foods. One of the best ways to boost your physical health and wellbeing in recovery is to be mindful of what you put in your body. Studies have shown that people who cooked meals for themselves tend to eat more fruits and vegetables and have lower body fat percentages versus those who tend to eat out. In addition to knowing every ingredient that’s going into your food, sober cooking is also a great way to save a little money while improving food quality.
Sober Cooking is Good for Your Mental Health
Poor eating habits can impact your mental health, which is just as important to maintain as your physical health when it comes to preventing relapse. Researchers have found that consuming large amounts of sugar, junk food, processed meats can increase a person’s risk of depression and/or anxiety. When you prepare meals for yourself, it’s much easier to avoid these highly processed pitfalls and incorporate nutritious items like fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, and lean meats into your diet.
Sober Cooking Is Good for Your Brain
People in early recovery can often experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS), which can cause temporary cognitive impairments such as loss of memory, concentration problems, and brain fog. Sober cooking is an excellent activity for whipping your brain back in shape, as it involves practices several key cognitive skills affected by PAWS. Gathering and preparing ingredients, following a recipe, and working with different types of cooking equipment requires you to sharpen your attention span and improve your concentration. The more you cook, the more exercise you’ll give to your recovering cognition. You can start by making simple dishes for yourself, then work up to more complex meals for friends and family.
Sober Cooking is Good for Socialization
Sober cooking can also help keep you connected with fellowship, friends, and family, which is important in recovery. Making meals with other people can be a positive bonding experience, as it requires working with others to create something delicious you can enjoy together. It’s also an excellent way to get started cooking in recovery as a beginner — you can start off with simple tasks such as cutting veggies or measuring ingredients and learn important tips and tricks from others.
Cooking In Recovery
Recovery is a lifelong important process. While there are many different strategies one can use to stay clean and sober, finding activities that you enjoy and can do with friends is one of the best ways to stay sober. Cooking is one activity that can benefit your health, recovery, and social relationships.
Transformations by the Gulf Addiction Treatment Develops Coping Skills and Shows You How to Use Them.
Transformations by the Gulf Addiction Treatment devotes its efforts to caring for and helping heal the whole person. It is through this pathway that real change can be made, and wellness restored. Learning and practicing coping skills for addiction recovery is a core treatment focus in our program. For more detail about the program, please reach out to the team today at (727)-498-6498.
Florida addiction recovery with music
Florida addiction recovery with music
Music therapy draws on the power of music in a therapeutic relationship to manage a range of conditions and improve your quality of life. A music therapist tailors sessions to your needs. You may sing or play instruments, listen to music or discuss the meaning of lyrics. You don’t need musical skills, and people of all ages can benefit.
What is Florida Music Therapy?
Music therapy is the use of music and/or elements of music (such as sound, harmony, and rhythm) to reduce stress or improve quality of life. A healthcare provider called a music therapist talks to you to learn more about your needs, music preferences and experiences, and designs each session specifically for you. They also evaluate your progress each step of the way and may work with your other healthcare providers to coordinate your care.
Music therapy experiences may include singing, playing instruments, writing music or simply listening. Some sessions may involve listening to music and talking about its meaning to you.
Healthcare providers use music as therapy in many different contexts. Music can certainly be a powerful tool for calming and healing. But the definition of clinical musical therapy states that a qualified music therapist must plan and lead the session in a therapeutic manor for it to qualify as this form of treatment.
Music therapy helps people of all ages and from all walks of life. It may benefit many different aspects of your overall well-being, including.
- Cognitive
- Emotional
- Mental
- Physical
- Social
What conditions can music therapy manage?
According to the Clevland Clinic Music therapists use this form of treatment to manage a vast range of conditions. It’s typically a complementary therapy. This means it’s part of a larger treatment plan that may include medications or other interventions. Research shows music therapy can offer benefits to people with:
- Dementia
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Stroke
- Parkinson’s disease
- Cancer
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Mood disorders
- Anxiety disorders
- Learning disabilities
- Developmental disabilities
- Pain (acute and chronic)
- Substance use disorders
Reach Out for More Information About Transformations by the Gulf
Our addiction treatment services include a variety of programs, designed to follow guests through the recovery process.
We offer residential treatment programs including residential inpatient program. Transformations by the Gulf treatment center also offers: a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), an intensive outpatient program with community housing.
If you have any questions about our treatment options, please reach out to one of our addiction specialists at (727)498-6498 our team is available to speak with you 24/7. Because We Care.
Benefits of Acupuncture in Addiction Treatment
Benefits of Acupuncture in Addiction Treatment
Acupuncture in addiction treatment offers a wide range of benefits. It can reduce cravings, withdrawal symptoms, provide physical pain relief, help with emotional regulation, and dopamine regulation. These benefits not only aid in the recovery process but also help individuals manage stress and reduce the risk of relapse. Acupuncture has become an integral part of substance abuse and addiction treatment, providing a holistic approach to address the various aspects of addiction and promote long-term recovery.
Reduced Cravings and Withdrawal Symptoms
Acupuncture is an ancient practice from Chinese medicine, which can play a significant role in addiction treatment. By stimulating points, it helps to restore the natural flow of energy, known as qi, and promotes overall well-being. Here’s how it works:
- Alleviate withdrawal symptoms – targeting acupuncture points, promotes relaxation and lessens the discomfort during this difficult phase.
- Enhanced mental clarity – by increasing blood flow to the brain, it helps improve focus and concentration.
- Hormonal regulation – it helps with modulating hormone levels disrupted by addiction, leading to improved emotional well-being.
- Improved sleep quality – it works by releasing melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles, it helps with sleep disturbances.
- Normalized heart rate – research has also indicated that acupuncture can help to stabilize the heart rate, thus calming individuals and reducing stress.
- Reduced cravings – by regulating neurotransmitters and hormones, acupuncture helps rebalance brain chemistry and reduce the urge for addictive substances.
Acupuncture provides a holistic approach to addiction and substance abuse recovery, by addressing physical and psychological cravings. As a complementary therapy, it emphasizes individualized treatment – critical for the complex nature of addiction.
Seeking Treatment with Transformations by the Gulf?
If you or a loved one needs treatment and rehabilitation for substance use, Transformations by the Gulf can help.
Transformations by the Gulf offers individualistic and holistic recovery services. We designed our inpatient and outpatient programs to treat individuals based on biological, psychological, familial and social needs.
Our residential homes and treatment facilities are near the beach and offer a comfortable setting for rehabilitation. If you or a loved one needs help, contact Transformations by the Gulf to learn more about our recovery services.
If you are ready to start planning your treatment process, give us a call. (727)498-6498
What a Day is Like in Our Treatment Facility.
Why Transformations by the Gulf?
Florida Holistic Rehab
Florida Holistic Rehabs
Holistic refers to a “whole person” approach to health care interventions—a simultaneous focus on the mind and body for complete healing. Many treatment centers see holistic approaches as an opportunity for patients to better attend to both their psychological and physical needs. With holistic approaches such as yoga, meditation, massage therapy, and acupuncture, patients may see improvements not only in their rehabilitation but also in other parts of their daily life.
What Is a Holistic Treatment Program?
In general, rehab programs that incorporate holistic techniques carefully consider an integrated physical, mental, and spiritual model to build out a comprehensive treatment regimen for substance use disorders. Several of these techniques are also categorized as alternative or complementary treatments, some of which are based on practices that derive from cultural traditions. Florida Holistic Rehab examples of these include:
- Acupuncture
- Art Therapy
- Boat Therapy
- Cupping Therapy
- Nutritional Therapy
- Tai Chi
- Yoga and Meditation.
These are just some of the wide ranges of treatments described as holistic that are offered at Transformations by the Gulf. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, about 4 out of 10 adults in the United States use a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and the trend seems to be growing. A key feature that runs through many of these techniques is that they are intended, at the root, to treat the whole person and improve overall well-being rather than target a single element of an individual’s symptoms. With this in mind, a holistic approach to addiction treatment should ideally aim to not only curtail isolated addictive behaviors, but to adequately address a broad set of factors that play a role in the development of the addiction to begin with.
Seeking Treatment with Transformations by the Gulf?
If you or a loved one needs treatment and rehabilitation for substance use, Transformations by the Gulf can help.
Transformations by the Gulf offers individualistic and holistic recovery services. We designed our inpatient and outpatient programs to treat individuals based on biological, psychological, familial and social needs.
Our residential homes and treatment facilities are near the beach and offer a comfortable setting for rehabilitation. If you or a loved one needs help, contact Transformations by the Gulf to learn more about our recovery services.
If you are ready to start planning your treatment process, give us a call. (727)498-6498
What a Day is Like in Our Treatment Facility.
Why Transformations by the Gulf?
Cell Phones at Rehab
Cell Phones in Rehab
Most rehabs do not allow cellphones, computers, tablets or any electronic device other than a mp3 player. Transformations by the Gulf Treatment Center does however allow cell phones. Most rehabs will limit contact to 10-20 minutes total a week. While is approach can be affected in some cases, we find that sheltering you from the outside world is counterintuitive. When you leave treatment if you have not developed coping skills and practiced them the odds of a relapse are significantly higher. With that being said we allow cell phones during treatment but not during therapy hours.
Laptops at Rehab
Every rehab center sets its own policy on cellphones and electronic devices, so be sure to call ahead for a list of approved and prohibited items. We do also allow laptops in rehab because we do feel that during your own time of relaxation you should be able to completely unwind, and we understand there are a lot of resources on the web.
Electronics at rehab
Electronics are another hot button topic for being allowed in rehabs. Transformations allows electronics if you would like to bring them like laptops, tablets, game consoles, mp3 players, and more as long as they don't affect your ability to go to therapy and scheduled recovery meetings. The primary focus on treatment is getting better and recovering.
Cell Phone Use in Rehab
Because going to rehab and receiving treatment is a critical time that will require focus and perseverance, a call home or to a loved one may be able to help someone through rehab. Despite the seemingly positive influence of being in touch with a loved one, it may also become a distraction from the treatment program. The impact, either positive or negative, will of course depend on the individual.
Cell Phone Friendly Rehab
People find themselves asking themself do rehabs in Florida allow cellphones. Are there any rehabs that allow cellphones in Florida? Each rehab facility sets their own rules for electronics and cell phone use so call ahead to confirm the rules. Explore our rehab facilities and amenities further below. Good News Transformations by the Gulf allow cell phones in rehab.
If you or someone you know would like to know more about Transformations by the Gulf Substance Abuse Treatment Center Give us a Call 24/7 (727)498-6498
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program that is tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
Our Facility is near the beach and offers a comfortable setting for substance abuse treatment and recovery.
IOP in Saint Petersburg, FL
IOP in Saint Petersburg, FL or Intensive Outpatient Program in St Pete Beach, Florida
Our Intensive Outpatient Program in Florida offers a safe environment for substance abuse treatment. Clients spend the duration of their addiction treatment program in a safe environment as they bridge that gap between Treatment and returning to normal everyday life.
What is Intensive Outpatient Treatment in Florida?
An intensive outpatient program offers the same level of treatment as a residential program without the need to stay at the treatment facility. These clients can go to their job or handle other responsibilities before and after participating in treatment. Since intensive outpatient programs use similar levels of care as residential programs, they’re very effective at treating addiction. You can find relief from your addiction without taking a break from what matters in your life.
A combination of medically supported treatments and various types of therapy make up the approach most likely to result in the outcome and long-term maintenance of recovery. The components of these treatments as used in an intensive outpatient treatment setting are outlined below to help individuals who are seeking help with their addictions, or their loved ones, to find the residential treatment program most likely to support them in their journey.
What Should I expect at Transformations by the Gulf Intensive Outpatient Program?
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
We will design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
Creating a support system.
Developing healthy stress management techniques.
Eliminating Substance use.
Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
Repairing damaged relationships.
Our Program is based on individual treatment needs and typically ranges from 8-16 weeks.
What is a Typical Day of Treatment?
A typical day of treatment will look a little different for each person and the severity of the addiction. During an intensive outpatient program, you typically spend a few days each week attending therapy, often toward the end of the day. You’ll meet with your provider or a group to participate in different therapies after you finish your workday or handle your outside responsibilities.
An intensive outpatient drug and alcohol treatment program may have more of a time commitment than other types of addiction treatment. These intensive programs are for people who need serious intervention but have other responsibilities to take care of, making them unable to stay at a rehab facility for an inpatient program.
As you meet your goals, the time you need to commit to your outpatient program may decrease as you work through underlying conditions or triggers and readjust to daily life.
Why is Transformations by the Gulf the Right Choice?
We are aware that everyone’s experience with addiction is a unique one, and our program is designed around gender-specific, psychological, biological, social and familial needs. Recovery help at Transformations by the Gulf’s Substance Abuse and Wellness Center can be the beginning of a beautifully productive, exciting sober life! Ready for the next step involving Intensive Outpatient Treatment?
If you’re ready, Start the Admissions Process.
For additional resources: Samhsa Hotline
- Accredited by The Joint Commission (JCAHO)
- Gender-specific with mixed gender interaction
- 3:1 client-to-counselor ratio for more individualized treatment
- Holistic practices woven into traditional therapies to enrich the experience of recovery in treating the mind, body and soul.
- High standard of compassionate care in a small boutique-style facility
- Family therapy
- Comprehensive continuing care
- Well-appointed gender specific residences
Thinking about entering IOP in Saint Petersburg, FL? If you or someone you know would like to know more about Transformations by the Gulf Substance Abuse Treatment Center Give us a Call 24/7 (727)498-6498
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. IOP in Saint Petersburg, FL is available even if you don’t live in Florida. It is important to find an addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program that is tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
Our Facility is near the beach and offers a comfortable setting for substance abuse treatment and recovery.
What a Day is Like in Our Treatment Facility.
Why Transformations by the Gulf?
Music Healing in Recovery at Transformations by the Gulf
Music Healing in Recovery at Transformations by the Gulf
Music is a beautiful and powerful thing; it has the ability to transform or enhance your mood. At Transformation by the Gulf, we encourage music as it provides a vital role in recovery and addiction treatment.
Transformations by the Gulf takes a holistic approach, treating the mind, body, and soul. We believe in the power of music and encourage all avenues of healing. We use therapeutic activities to create healthy habits that are useful both in and outside of recovery.
Musical Healing in Recovery
Music Healing in Recovery at Transformations by the Gulf is powerful. Music provides a beautiful outlet to express yourself whether you just want to listen or sing and play along. In addition to being beneficial, music is a proven effective therapeutic method and provides benefits for recovery.
Music Improves Brain Function
Scientific research states the effect music can have on our brainwaves. Songs with fast tempos and strong beats stimulate the brain to improve concentration and alert thinking; slower songs bring peace and serenity. Listening to songs can improve the brain’s ability to shift the speed of thoughts on its own.
Music Reduces Pain
Listening to music can reduce stress and pain when used as a distress tolerance skill. It is also proven to be effective for people struggling with chronic pain. Musical sounds can have amazing physical effects on the body, like easing muscle tension and lowering blood pressure. More specifically, those with high blood pressure or anger issues can benefit greatly from listening to calming songs, as it lowers blood pressure and encourages the activation of “the relaxation response.”
Motivation and Positivity
Music can be an excellent way to motivate yourself. Especially by listening to fast-paced songs can provide the motivation you need to get up and move or help you focus. Slow songs calm the mind and benefit guided meditation exercises.
Knowing that musical sounds can affect your mindset, it’s easy to see how songs can be used to change your mood into a positive state of mind. Uplifting songs, and lyrics that resonate, can actually make a massive shift in mood and your level of happiness or stress.
Triggers Positive Memories
When we hear a certain song play, memories can flood our minds. This is because many of us have songs that bring a feeling of nostalgia. As a result, music can help aid in remembering positive memories. For instance, most people can agree that listening to a favorite song can transport them into a positive mindset.
Music Relieves Stress
Music can help manage and treat mental health, in addition to other therapies and medication when necessary. In fact, relaxing sounds can actually have an effect on the autonomic nervous system, causing changes in heart rate and breathing. These changes can actually bring someone into a meditative state just by listening to calming sounds. For this reason, listening to soothing sounds can reduce stress, allowing guests who suffer from anxiety or depression to feel comfortable and find relief.
Music can be used as a tool of self-expression. Expressing yourself is extremely beneficial in addiction recovery from substance use disorders or alcohol addiction. Any healthy outlet for expressing yourself is something that we support at Transformations Treatment Center.
In fact, creating music can be a very expressive and rewarding activity, especially for those in recovery who are undergoing inpatient treatment, group therapies, and behavioral therapies. The therapy causes emotions to come up, which may be hard for alcoholics or addicts to process or express. Making songs is a great way for our guests to express their raw emotions, giving them a healthy way to channel their thoughts and feelings. By incorporating musical techniques into addiction treatment, we provide our guests with opportunities for authentic self-expression.
Music Encourages Physical Movement
Music can be used in combination with a variety of physical wellness therapies, like movement therapy, adventure therapy, and activity therapy. This is because musical sounds can encourage physical movement and motion, to promote physical health. Our treatment programs are able to incorporate music with many therapeutic activities.
Reach Out for More Information About Transformations by the Gulf
Our addiction treatment services include a variety of programs, designed to follow guests through the recovery process.
We offer residential treatment programs including residential inpatient program. Transformations by the Gulf treatment center also offers: a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), an intensive outpatient program with community housing.
If you have any questions about our treatment options, please reach out to one of our addiction specialists at (727)498-6498 our team is available to speak with you 24/7. Because We Care.
Adapting Coping Skills in Recovery
Adapting Coping Skills in Recovery
When you begin the road to living cleaning and sober you need to consider the mind, body and soul. This simply means to think about how all aspects of your being are functioning at any given point in time.
When these three points are healthy, you will have a better chance of staying clean and sober. Use these coping mechanisms to help you achieve this sobriety:
Focus on Controlling Stress
Learning how to manage stress is a vital part of recovery. Stress has the power to disrupt your cause of friction and lead to relapse. Adapting Coping Skills in Recovery is important. There are many methods people can use to help control stress. These include:
- Deep breathing. Learning how to slow your heart rate and breathing rate through deep breathing is easy. When you feel stressed, breathe in deeply to a count of 5, hold your breath for 5, and release to a count of 5. Repeat 5 times.
- Yoga. Yoga’s poses and movements, combined with breath work, help to quiet your mind and achieve a calm state.
- Meditation. Find a quiet time to sit alone quietly and meditate. Practice this process daily and soon you will learn how to ease distracting thoughts and worries.
- Massage. A massage can help release the toxins in your muscles and relax the body.
- Music. Music has great power to affect your state of mind. Create a playlist of songs that can relax you, uplift you, or motivate you. Let these songs play while you work, clean, cook or relax.
Take up Healthy Habits.
Turn boredom into being productive by taking up some healthy new hobbies that bring you joy. Consider these:
- Arts and crafts. Tap into your artsy side as an outlet for your soul. Take up a new craft, like 3d printing, painting, or building models.
- Gardening. The process of planting and growing fruits or vegetables can be very fulfilling and rewarding.
- Photography. Capture the stunning beauty that is all around you. Taking photos is a great pastime that allows you to focus your mind on all that is pleasant in your surroundings and in nature. See the world through the lens of your camera.
- Cooking. Sign up for a cooking class or tune in to an online cooking show. You will be inspired to try new recipes.
Take time to reflect.
Carve out a little time each day to nurture your spiritual side. You might pick up a book that inspires you. Maybe you spend some time in prayer or start a gratitude journal.
Cultivate new friendships.
Without each other, we will fail in our efforts to get better. Our support sources include friendships, and these must be nurtured always. Build up your new sober network and sow the seeds for a lifetime of mutual caring and support.
Go to therapy.
Do not, repeat-not, ignore the need to keep up with your therapy sessions. Sometimes no matter all your efforts you still find yourself on shaky ground. Enlist the support of your group or one-on-one therapy sessions to help you through a challenge.
Stay active.
Sitting is one of the least healthy things we can do. To keep our bodies, minds, and spirits in a healthy place it is crucial that we remain active. Define your fitness program any way you want, but just be sure to include regular movement into your days and weeks.
Learn to distract yourself.
One of the most useful tools in recovery is riding the wave of a trigger or craving to avoid a relapse. This is a skill that takes some honing. Create a list of 2 or 3 things you can do to distract yourself when triggered. These can be things like taking a run, going to a meeting, or meeting up with your sponsor.
Improve sleep quality.
Nothing will ruin your day like a bad night’s sleep. Respect your body’s need for restful sleep and do the things that will help you achieve that. These include avoiding caffeine after 3 pm, avoiding heavy meals at night, and shutting your devices off an hour before bed.
Staying sober is about creating healthy balance. By giving all aspects of your being the needed love and support you increase your chances of recovery success.
Transformations by the Gulf Addiction Treatment Develops Coping Skills and Shows You How to Use Them.
Transformations by the Gulf Addiction Treatment devotes its efforts to caring for and helping heal the whole person. It is through this pathway that real change can be made, and wellness restored. Learning and practicing coping skills for addiction recovery is a core treatment focus in our program. For more detail about the program, please reach out to the team today at (727)-498-6498
What is Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment?
Substance abuse and mental health treatment has evolved in the last few decades. As a result of this evolution, individuals now have more Types of Therapy than ever before. While the abundance of options can be a lot to take in, it means there is now more opportunity to find treatment that better suits you.
Alongside traditional substance abuse treatment methods and evidence-based models, more treatment facilities have started adding holistic treatment options into their program. Holistic treatment focuses on treating the whole person, not just the symptoms of a disease. Understanding holistic treatment and its benefits may help you determine if it’s a better option for your journey of recovery.
Before diving into its benefits, it is best to begin by defining what the term “holistic treatment” means and what a “holistic approach” to treatment is. A holistic approach considers the interplay between a person’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs when seeking treatment. Rather than seeking to alleviate symptoms at a surface level, holistic treatment dives deeper to discover the root causes of an individual's struggles. Everyone’s experience with addiction or mental illness is different, so individualized treatment is a necessity.
Another fundamental factor of holistic treatment is its focus on wellness. Those in recovery are often told that treatment requires them to make life changes. To live a life of recovery, individuals must strive for improved health and wellness. Holistic practices help people make healthy life choices and, in the long run, improve well-being in every aspect of life.
Holistic therapy programs usually feature personalized, non-medical, whole person approaches to recovery. Recovering individuals can practice these approaches through several mindfulness-based practices. Upon leaving treatment, those practices become tools to help those in recovery maintain long-term healing and a healthier lifestyle. Consequently, holistic tools are helpful when integrating back into everyday life post-treatment.
The following practices are simple mindfulness-based holistic practices that anyone can try.
Acupuncture is another holistic practice many people try. This holistic healing method involves a trained professional inserting thin needles into certain nerve points in a patient's body. The acupuncturist may then press on or move the needles in certain ways with their hands or small electrical devices. Doing so promotes blood flow and electrical stimulation in the body to activate the body's natural healing processes.
These are just a few holistic approaches to try. Some practices will be more effective than others for certain people. When individuals begin experimenting with different holistic techniques, they will learn what works best for them, their body, and their situation. One should consult their doctor or a mental health professional to determine what practices may best benefit their recovery process.
Meditation is a form of mindfulness that helps individuals slow down, breathe, and focus on the present moment. In addition to reducing and managing stress, meditation helps people lower their heart rate, normalize their blood pressure, and improve sleep.
Boat therapy is a form of treatment that uses therapeutic sessions and activities on a boat to help people cope or overcome a wide range of challenges and issues. And though you might just now be hearing about it, boat therapy has been around for years.
Cupping therapy is an amazing ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create a suction. Patients get it for many reasons, including to help with blood flow, inflammation, pain, relaxation and well-being, and as an alternative type of deep-tissue massage. It dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures. One of the oldest medical textbooks in the world, the Ebers Papyrus, describes how the ancient Egyptians used cupping therapy in 1,550 B.C.
Meditation is a form of mindfulness that helps individuals slow down, breathe, and focus on the present moment. In addition to reducing and managing stress, meditation helps people lower their heart rate, normalize their blood pressure, and improve sleep.
Yoga helps individuals struggling with addiction and/or mental illness by reducing withdrawal symptoms and cravings and offering a healthy outlet to cope with stress. Yoga can encourage people to increase strength and self-awareness, develop healthy exercise and eating habits, and even achieve emotional healing through intentional movement and breath.
If you or someone you know would like to know more about Transformations by the Gulf Substance Abuse Treatment Center Give us a Call 24/7 (727)498-6498
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program that is tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
Our Facility is near the beach and offers a comfortable setting for substance abuse treatment and recovery.
What a Day is Like in Our Treatment Facility.
Why Transformations by the Gulf?
Benefits of Yoga in Addiction Treatment
Benefits of Yoga in Addiction Treatment
Benefits of Yoga in Addiction Treatment is amazing. According to the Surgeon General, 1-in-7 people in the United States. will face substance abuse and addictions. With almost 21 million Americans dealing with addiction, it's a dangerous problem. However, the right recovery center can help.
Using yoga can help correct addictive behaviors. As a method of holistic treatment, yoga helps individuals through the recovery process.
Some recovery centers include yoga as a method of therapy to help people develop and practice coping skills as a way to manage stress. Yoga also helps to balance both the mind and body which reduces addictive behaviors.
The evidence found here might surprise you. Keep reading to learn all about the many benefits to using yoga for addiction recovery.
Yoga Reduces Stress in Recovery
One of the many benefits of yoga is a reduction in levels of stress. Learning mindfulness and even practicing some breathing techniques helps to minimize stress.
In active addiction, you use drugs or alcohol as coping skills during difficult times. Transformations teach Yoga to clients so they can learn these coping skills and practice them throughout the recovery process. One of the benefits of our substance abuse treatment program is that we don't just highlight coping skills we teach you how to incorporate them in your everyday life so when you do feel triggered you can use a coping skill to get you through the difficult time.
Stress tends to trigger addictive behaviors primarily because you are so used to use drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with stress, yoga techniques can help break that vicious cycle of addiction. By winning out over temptation, recovery patients feel better about themselves.
As an added benefit, yoga boosts your mood and improves your willpower which also helps lower stress.
Yoga Helps Control Addiction and Cravings
Addiction alters the brain, impacting both brain structure and function. Because of this, overcoming addiction isn’t as simple as saying no.
Drugs, alcohol, and other addictions hijack the brain. They fill the nucleus accumbent with an overabundance of dopamine.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that leads to feelings of pleasure as part of a reward system. Addiction creates an overabundance of pleasure that often leads to drug misuse, including overdoses.
But one of the benefits of recovery yoga is that it returns the brain’s dopamine levels back to normal. This helps to suppress unhealthy cravings tied to that rush of dopamine in the brain.
Yoga Increases Self Awareness
Practicing yoga on a regular basis allows patients to become attuned to their own bodies. They can recognize the warning signs of addictive behavior before it happens.
Noticing and acknowledging cravings as they happen is critical to keeping them in check. Instead of ignoring the signs, individuals learn to listen and understand their bodies in a non-judgmental way.
Yoga Reduces Anxiety with GABA
Another benefit to yoga is a healthy increase in GABA or Gamma-aminobutyric acid. GABA is a neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety and stress. Both stress and anxiety are common in patients suffering from drug withdrawals.
When someone experiences stress or anxiety, their heart rate, and blood pressure rise. Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline also rise in response to that feeling.
Regular yoga may enhance and enlarge certain areas of the brain responsible for stress reduction, such as the hippocampus.
Yoga Allows Patients to Regain Control
Many people that struggle with addiction feel they have no control over their lives. They may feel like they’re caught in a downward spiral and are unable to pull themselves back up.
Because of the impact of addiction on the brain itself, it can be hard to feel like you’re in control of your own body.
Yoga teaches people discipline. Instead of reacting emotionally, people learn to evaluate their responses and control their temper.
People that practice yoga treatment for recovery often find it easier to take responsibility for their own choices. This helps to reestablish a sense of control over the body and mind. It feels like a win in the battle against addiction.
Yoga Creates Can Aide the Creation of a Spiritual Awakening
Yoga is an ancient practice that stimulates your spiritual senses. You don’t have to be religious or understand spirituality to practice yoga, either.
Yoga is far more than a physical exercise because a large part of this practice is mental. Individuals learn to view themselves in a new light, evaluating the way they think and act and how that impacts the world around them.
By practicing yoga and meditation, people learn to observe their environment. They understand there are factors outside their control.
You cannot stop the sounds of a barking dog or fix an angry boss, for example. Giving up control and simply observing has a cathartic effect on individuals dealing with addictive behaviors.
Yoga Creates a Sense of Inner Peace
Regular relaxation and meditation techniques promote a sense of calm and inner peace. People who practice yoga often find themselves feeling stronger emotionally.
Yoga allows people to focus on mindfulness rather than temptations, which aids in impulse control. This inner strength helps patients regain a sense of confidence.
Yoga Can Prevent Relapse
Relapse is so common after recovery that roughly 90 percent of people have a slip before, they defeat addiction. But patients can prevent the chances of relapse after recovery by recognizing the signs and practicing yoga.
Those that practice yoga for addiction become attuned to their body. They recognize the warning signs of relapse before it happens.
Yoga also prevents many of the mindsets and behaviors associated with relapses such as loss of judgment and control.
Practicing relaxation techniques and exercises like yoga help to combat negative thoughts. It encourages individuals to examine and accept their feelings instead of ignoring them.
Practicing Yoga for Addiction Recovery
Using yoga for addiction recovery is a holistic method of treatment that helps individuals overcome addictive behaviors and cravings. Along with other methods of treatment, yoga helps people regain control and balance of their mind and body.
The road to recovery is long and filled with many obstacles, but practicing yoga is one way to prevent a relapse. Plus, yoga is a life-long skill that people struggling with addiction can turn to at any time.
Want to learn more about our yoga therapy or need help dealing with addiction? Contact us to learn more about our treatment services and get help today.
If you or someone you know would like to know more about Transformations by the Gulf Substance Abuse Treatment Center Give us a Call 24/7 (727)498-6498
The success of a person’s recovery depends on the level of personalized treatment provided. It is important to find an addiction treatment program that works. When we say our treatment is individualized, we mean that we craft a program that is tailored to address the client’s unique physical, mental and emotional needs.
In the client’s first 24 hours with us, we’ll evaluate their current state and work to understand what challenges they need to overcome. They’ll also have an initial session with our doctor and meet with one of our licensed mental health professionals.
After the initial evaluations, we’ll design a treatment plan with the sole mission of helping the client overcome and heal from addiction. Their program will focus on things such as:
- Addressing and Identifying root causes of addiction.
- Creating a support system.
- Developing healthy stress management techniques.
- Eliminating Substance use.
- Learning how to communicate emotions effectively.
- Maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
- Repairing damaged relationships.
Our Facility is near the beach and offers a comfortable setting for substance abuse treatment and recovery.
What a Day is Like in Our Treatment Facility.
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